Receive and explore your results
• What are your results saying?
• What is your church ready for? Select a process to suit
• Checklist of key tasks
Resources to help you evaluate your results:
- Summary Profile: an overview of key results.
- Worksheets to explore your Summary Profile: an overview of key results.
Our People and Priorities; How We Relate to God, Each other and the Wider Community; Our Vision, Innovation and Leadership Culture; and Report Template: Our Summary Profile. - FULL Church Life Profile: a detailed review of your church's health and vitality.
- Church Life Survey Workbook: practical processes and worksheets to engage your results.

What is your church ready for? Select a process to suit your church.
Review your church’s readiness to engage their survey results and undertake a response. What is your church ready for? Select a process of action planning to suit your church. What will help them respond to the survey results and take action?
Resources to help you reflect on church readiness and explore processes to suit:
· Church readiness reflections: to assess your church's readiness for change.
· Stories from local churches: giving examples of how they use the NCLS results.
· Church Life Survey Workbook: containing a range of planning processes: outlines of short, medium and long processes for churches.
Checklist of key tasks:
Receive and engage your results. Consider church readiness and select a process to suit.
1. Receive your results online (Summary Profile from April 2022) then full Church Life Profile and Church Life Pack of resources in late 2022.
3. Engage your results with a leadership team.
3. Consider your church's readiness to engage the results and undertake a response.
4. Select a process of action planning to suit your church.
AFTER THE SURVEY: After you have evaluated your survey findings and your church's readiness to respond, make a plan to COMMUNICATE YOUR RESULTS.
1. Prepare 2. Administer 3. Evaluate 4. Communicate 5. Act